#6 What are the 8 Persistent P's?

DayBalancer came up with 8 behaviors that can become habitual and result in negative consequences if they are practiced consistently. These get in the way of your joy and presence, yet they are a gentle call back to your authentic self.

When taking the DayBalancer Assessment, you can pinpoint which of these behaviors have become habitual so you can learn how to counterbalance them and improve your scores over time.


  1. Procrastination: Not taking action on something that could negatively impact your future experience (ie. not paying your rent/mortgage)

  2. Presenteeism: Past/future thinking (ie. worrying, ruminating) which could negatively impact your future experience (ie. not paying attention to someone, or the road)

  3. Projection: Believing the external world (ie. another person) is a cause of extreme positive/negative feelings - rather than knowing others are simply a reflection of the self

  4. Pleasing: Doing things for others out of fear, rather than inspiration

  5. Perfectionism: Working so hard to be better than good enough, it impacts your mental or physical health

  6. Protection: Creating unnecessary boundaries to prevent yourself from getting hurt again

  7. Pressure: Putting pressure on yourself (negative self talk) and others to feel a sense of control (ie. controlling)

  8. Pain: Suffering from chronic physical or emotional discomfort - due to a lack of knowledge or ability

If you practice any of these today, they actually did serve you at one point of your life. Over time though, they may grow to lack inspiration and can easily start working against you. By consistently practicing one or more of these behaviors, progressive signals may show up in your mind/body/environment.

EXAMPLE: Occasionally pleasing people is healthy, but trying to please (or care for) everyone too much can reveal the following signals:

  • BODY: You might risk burnout

  • ENVIRONMENT: People may not show up as grateful over time

  • MIND: You can start to feel resentful

SOLO ACTIVITY: Think about one Persistent P that you'd like to counterbalance, along with one signal that's keeps showing up as either physical, mental, or environmental. Then learn how to choose a different behavior in the face of the signal by progressing to the next post.

NEXT #7 OF 7: How do I counterbalance the 8 Persistent P's?


#5 How can I improve my balance?


#7 How do I counterbalance the 8 P's?