Product: DayBalancer community
Purpose: Provide a supportive community to help prioritize self-care.
Details: We now know how much energy and mood impacts team performance. It’s not only what we eat, but how and when we eat (and what we do after). Also, quality sleep helps not only restore and rejuvenate, it helps with attention, learning, and decision-making. To support team wellness, DayBalancer showcases healthy diet + lifestyle content on our website and community, including tools and techniques for self-regulating food, sleep, movement, and emotions.
DayBalancer app users receive instant access to this community. This also serves as an example of how you can build community to support your own initiative. Explore the software we’ve used to organize DayBalance operations.
Resources needed:
data collection.
community strategy
community development
survey + poll design
online events + classes
community facilitation
global collaboration
graphic design
knowledge in health + wellness